My offerings
Sacred Healing Journeys for the Soul
How well do you know yourself? How intimate are you with the deepest core of your being?
This one-day retreat offers an opportunity to go within and introspect as you receive insights and gnoses that can clarify your Life Purpose and Vision as you connect to the deepest parts of yourself, your Inner Knowing, your Inner Wisdom.
Experience non-ordinary states of Consciousness with Somatic Trauma Release Breathwork to facilitate mental, spiritual and physical healing benefits. This workshop will introduce you to the power of breathwork and its ability to bring about profound self-awareness and a more positive outlook on life. This practice allows you to move beyond your body and ego where you can make contact with your True Nature, connecting you to your Divinity.
Somatic Trauma Release Breathwork
The positive effects of microdosing on the human psyche are too substantial to ignore. When used consciously and carefully, psychedelics and sacred medicine can help alleviate and resolve traumas, PTSD, CPTSD, anxiety, depression, addictions, mental and emotional imbalances, and so on.
Microdosing can help stabilize & balance mood, heal trauma & promote compassion, release addictions, chronic worry & compulsions, lower anxiety, fear & depression.
Know the ins-and-outs of microdosing to harness the most out of this self-healing practice. Dosages, protocols, journaling and which medicines are appropriate for your situation will be discussed. Preparation, integration and other supportive practices will also be discussed and handouts will be provided.
Microdosing Intensive for Healing & Self-Awareness
My name is Leni and I am grateful to connect with you.
I believe that the Mind-Body-Spirit complex is a dynamic self-healing
I believe that our human vessel has an Intelligence that can tap into the
Unified Field where everything is possible.
Once one is able to release blockages and barriers that hinder our full
potential, the possibilities are endless.
On the physical level, these barriers are the toxins, pathogens and pollution that clog our body temple.
On the mental/emotional realm, these barriers are trapped emotions, stagnant energies, suppressed, repressed or unprocessed emotions, old patterns, limiting beliefs, outdated programs and conditioning, self-sabotage, indoctrinated beliefs, conjured personal stories, egoic manipulations, traumas and addiction to any of the above!
On the spiritual sphere, these barriers are ignorance (avidya), illusions (maya), conditioning, indoctrination, false ideological beliefs and dogma.
By clearing these barriers and blockages, by peeling off layers and purifying the Mind-Body organism, we uncover the Purity that we are, enabling our True Nature to emanate. This process of Purification includes mastery of the self, the personality, as well as removal of blockages, shadow work and trauma work as part of the process of Embodiment. Healing through our hearts, our bodies, our minds - healing through our entire living organism, somatically and experientally, is crucial as we return to Wholeness and Balance. When the body, mind and emotions are free from debris, one becomes pure, light and free - a clear vessel for Divine transmission, allowing you to reach your fullest potential.
I assist you to break through the lower realms of consciousness to release blockages and baggage, to guide you to self-heal, elevate and expand your level of consciousness with the aid of various tools such as Ancient Wisdom, Whole Being Purification, Plant Medicine, Yoga, Vedanta, Breathwork, Meditation, Ayurveda, Whole Being Purification and Energy Healing.
Together we co-create a safe, solid, nurturing healing container that allows you to release what no longer serves and opens the path to profound self-healing and Transformation.
I will walk alongside with you on your journey home to your Authentic Self.
It is an honor to work with you.
much love,
As your ally in this Spiritual journey, I usher you into the deepest core of your Being - your Inner Compass, your Inner Healer, your Inner Wisdom.
By awakening to our True Nature, we are able to heal ourselves and our past traumas, suppressed, repressed or unprocessed emotions, limiting beliefs, stagnant energies and mental imbalances.
By knowing what we truly are, we are able to see through our own programmed reactions, indoctrinated responses, conditioned patterns, self-sabotage, conjured personal stories and egoic manipulations.
The Field of Healing
Nobody has ever healed anyone.
A true healer simply remains fully present as the storm of healing rages, providing a safe field in which unfamiliar and intense energies can be felt, bound-up emotions can be released, and we can come out of time together, out of the drama and chaos of My Life, and breathe into our bodies, fall into our own being, reset, recharge, simplify, rest.
Healing is not a destination, nor a special power in the hands of a few. Healing means recontacting That which is already whole, beyond the healer and the healed - our true nature, simple and beautiful and ever-present.
In this field of healing, we can truly meet.
- Jeff Foster